NC-360 Retreat
Inaugural Event |Austin, Texas
Our retreat design benefits everyone:

Sleep Improves

Anxiety reduces

Clarity emerges

Happiness returns
It will be a vibration retreat with proprietary systems for mind integration and energetic balance. Developed by three doctors.



An Emergent Experience
A journey toward integration and energetic awareness
The idea is simple – use “high intensity” vibration techniques that initiate an ineffable experience, a new state of mind. We call the new state, ultra-relaxation. This state of mind is palpable, awareness expands, more being, less doing. Our integration canvas teaches each participant their pathway to balance. Real behavioral change emerges from neuro-physiological balance. Everyone is similar, yet uniquely personal in their journey.
Who should attend?
Our best clients seek performance both body and mind. They are executives, healthcare providers, and lifelong seekers of optimum health to name a few. They are open to new experiences in a safe environment.

Sign up today for our 3-Day Retreat

14th to 17th, 2021

Sage Hill Inn & Spa Kyle,
Sage Hill Inn & Spa in Kyle, Texas
The idea is simple – use “high intensity” vibration techniques that initiate an ineffable experience, a new state of mind. We call the new state, ultra-relaxation. This state of mind is palpable, awareness expands, more being, less doing. Our integration canvas teaches each participant their pathway to balance. Real behavioral change emerges from neuro-physiological balance. High intensity vibration initiates new states of mind. Everyone is similar, yet uniquely personal in their journey.
All inclusive package includes:

Four Star Accommodations

Healthy Gourmet Meals

NC-360 Retreat Program
NC-360 Retreat Program includes:

Four individual vibration sessions with faculty

personalized faculty review

daily seminars

group activities

tools and technique laboratory

State of the art vibration technologies.
If you like EFT, you’ll love NC-360
Ten participants,
Four Faculty,
Infinite Possibilities.
NC360 Retreat Faculty:
Bruce Wayne Meleski, PhD
human performance expert, creator of Mind Alive Experience
Gregory Hyde, MD, PhD
co-creator of energetic profile, NC-360 Retreat Medical Director
Elena Marr, ND
co-creator of energetic profile using Sonic Alignment
Erica Benedicto, PA
mindfulness expert, sound healer, and mind integration specialist
Retreat Framework and Methods
Neuroception 360™ is a system for restoration, insight, and human performance. The philosophy is wholistic in nature, connecting body and mind, expanding potential through immersive experiences, and creating your framework represented by the outer ring – State of Mind, Neurosensory, and Metabolic elements.
The inner ring illustrates the methods of the retreat. Ultra relaxation, lucid visions, emotional release, and personal insight are experiential and emergent by design. Our retreat system facilitates your pathway to high performance, personalized as you receive it.

Proprietary Technologies
High intensity vibration techniques – we employ more than 25 different types of vibrations during the retreat, each designed to calm your ANS. The techniques employed have been successful with thousands of clients.
Mind Integration for body/mind balance provides a personalized pathway that creates new states of mind leading toward clarity and insight.
Embodied & Energetic profile and release is a technique that takes the application of tuning forks to a new level of impact. Drs. Hyde and Marr have truly designed a library of energetic profiles that help performance seekers with a quantum tool to heal.