Introduction to Neuroception 360 Model for Mind Integration
25 Jul, 2021
Neuroception 360 (NC-360) creates a new system and method that facilitates mind integration. The NC-360 Model targets neuroplasticity, the ability to change the brain. NC-360 represents a compilation of systems, methods, techniques, and programs for balancing neuroception, a scientific term that refers to the neural circuits that determine safety, danger, and life threatening situations. By training these subconscious circuits to become resilient to stressful situations, a new perception emerges that changes emotional response. Neuroception 360, a combination of high intensity experiences and a wide array of social, physical, and metabolic practices, creates a system of mind integration.

The human brain, wired to survive and shaped by millions of years of evolution, reacts quickly to threats, out thinking predators to live another day. Today’s threats engage an outdated and often maladapted “fight or flight” system. Neuroception can be thought of as Fight or Flight 2.0, it’s a two directional system that deciphers danger and safety. When one balances neuroception circuits, it leads to resilience, clarity, and brain performance. NC-360’s approach is different, there are 9 domains of integration that connect one’s body and mind.

Neuroception 360™ incorporates your high intensity experiences and your integration canvas into a cohesive process that leads toward higher brain performance. The process creates a personalized path to neuroception balance. As one’s balance emerges a shift occurs and threats are processed by new neural circuits. These circuits create new clarity from ultra-relaxation states and emotional release experiences. The intensity of the Light, Color, and Vibration (LCV) therapies initiate the shift. Integration canvas practices may include many familiar activities such as yoga, meditation, nutritional supplementation for the brain, along with life coaching, prayer practices, and other social engagement programs to name a few.